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Everything is like climbing mountain

You have to be tough

In mastering your own

It’s easy to get lost in the midst of the struggle

To be consumed


Adulting is hard

Everything feels discouraging

Barely have time to breath

For the moments you hoped for


Staying unfazed

Chugging in back that purpose

To why you start it

To why you want it

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Hello everyone!

So what's bullet journal?

It's a type of personal organization method introduced by Ryder Carroll which involves bullet points, tracking date system, to-do-lists, brain dump sections and etc. The dynamic and flexible features that have had people falling in love and calling it especially as Bujo.

For myself, I have been journaling for over two years somehow inspired my post today.


1. Getting organized

Lots of assignments? Big projects with mock quizzes coming aboard?

Ugh, that’s pretty much handful, and ended up feeling overwhelmed with desperation to get it started and which to begin with.

Those red tag tasks awaiting are just like mocking us, gauging us in every possibility whether we capable to commit or surrender to it. Wonder how busy people get used to living their life without feeling overwhelmed or any close to it?

I have dealt with this phase a couple of times when I struggle to find myself a good quality study time with multiple assignments and home chores in hand plus the online classes that I have to keep alert with all the time. It’s energy-draining. To have chaos going on, it just doesn’t work. I’m not happy with everything that happens surround me. So I started to think by getting organized and being organized in my lifestyle would somehow becoming the key resolution to all these. I’m the type of person that like to jot down everything I explore and, by doing that I started to digest every beautiful quote I love that will surely get you feeling the same.

Being organized isn’t about getting rid of everything you own or trying to become a different person. It’s about living the way you want to live, but better...~ADREW MELLEN
Some wise being organized my system, and gave me my capacity, put into my heart and brain something that delights, charms, and fills me with rapture at the sound of sweet music. ~ Brigham Young
Some people like to stay busy and by getting organized has been making their dull busy life feels even more charming~ Ira Sahira

I started with my own creative way~ with bullet journaling (Bujo).

With Bujo, you can create a planner or schedule with your own version by filling in all the important tasks, due dates, and goals. At the same time, you can be creative with whatever pattern or shape you like to create your schedule which is a fun way to get organized. It’s nothing so rigid and improper. It’s a colorful expressive way for you to witness there’s a more meaningful life to it than a typical dull busy life.

2. Getting creative

There’s more fun with getting creative with this Bujo. Simply put, creativity is about something that’s fresh and valuable that you can be artsy or sappy poetic with it. It involves generating new ideas, a new resolution to the problems with new goals, and new strategies. With that being said, it’s like an inner motion coming from yourself, from the way you think and act to instill and transform those ideas into a hope. A hope that your life will get better from all ruckus or messy life befalls. A hope that you will get these things back to normal, back in a good spot. A hope that you will score good academic performance. Yeay!!!

3. Writing to heal

As I mentioned this one line in point no.2; that we get to see hope … It clicked to me whether I was being sardonic with my life right now, right this moment? Am I being pathetic with myself?

But my heart still aches… and as I started journaling with this Bujo, I began to see the positive light out of it. I am not being pathetic. This is never a sign of weakness at all. I get to explore myself, my introvertive personality, my likes, and dislikes through journaling.

This is one of many reasons that I am highly confident to convince you to journaling. Because through journaling, you able to explore your thoughts, your feelings, emotions through the written words which can essentially leave you somehow with inner peace. The inner peace of self-awareness and compassion. The inner peace of you that you begin to see yourself clearly with clarity. You begin to embrace yourself instead of having some self-destructive thoughts. You begin to love yourself.

4. Gratitude

With journaling, you get to have a special me time at such a personal level as the words forming on the pages as your heart tells. Why I am saying this? Gratitude speaks stunningly for an expression of thankfulness, for one’s kindness with a willingness to repay them which we are so familiar within our everyday life. An act of kindness toward others with gratitude at interpersonal level. But alas, we are so busy living our lives and have somehow condoned the importance of intrapersonal gratitude which is being grateful to you. I have been deeply impacted by this with the emotional sentiment as I jot down;

- That I am grateful for a morning with such a breathtaking panoramic view of the sun up the horizon basking the baby orange clouds.

- That I am grateful for a small loving family I spent time with.

- That I am grateful for my busy routine as I scheduled the time for study and blogging.

- And I am grateful for keeping my good habits.

It was in fact, a gratitude wake-up call for me and I hope the same goes for you as well.

5. Self-discipline

The act of self-discipline can be effectively practiced with Bujo as you made records of what you plan, strategies, and goals of the day or the week. Everything that you want is clearly written in your Bujo making it a soft reminder and a new mindset for a refreshing start of the day! And you won’t let yourself down!

For my part, I‘ve been practicing this quite religiously and by jotting everything down, it happens like it gets cemented in your mind, keeping you alert and motivated to keep moving while you stumbled a bit in between.

6. Gallery of memories

Some people like to keep memories; from the most glorifying to bittersweet moments. By making a special segment of memories in your Bujo, it looks as if you installed your own gallery within the pages for a beautiful keepsake.

I really enjoy this part, when the pages I skimmed through in the midst of raining outside, closing my eyes to reminisce those moments. It's a beautiful moment indeed.

SO that's all a bit of everything I love to share with the readers. Hope you enjoy my writings.

Thank you, a lot, for reading! Hope you are having a good time here! See you soon 😊 I’m so pumped up with this blogging thing.

Love to know what are your thoughts on this part.

Appreciate a lot for comments <3

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Hi everyone! Am pleased to have you in this new blog post.

As y’all know, students in their sophomore will be given the toughest, the most crucial, and incredible task ever ~ the final year project.

As the title enshrines, I want to share this whole fortune I had keepsake for crafting a good dissertation of a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Meet-and-greet the Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

This study is such a real deal and I decided to dare dream of making my best craft with this since I had it officially as my research project. I promise myself I will never let myself down not ever before I break a sweat, before my silly errors. “I will do everything I can” was not the phrase in my memory span for the time being.

It was “I will do everything I dreamt off and I will make it”.

Data extraction

It begins with raw data extraction which I had carefully extracted (not even trying to paraphrase yet) into the MS Excel 2019. These data(s) were then organized into table for each study. The aim was to gain the most infos pertaining to the studies as included in the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis guidelines) systematically. I was already on my feet when these tables forming..but still the studies need double extraction, meaning that my supervisor will do the same from the beginning of data extraction. The details were mostly the methodologies applied in studies which you need to see and analyze how they works, is it precise, and worth/suitable for the study. This part called as methodological appraisal.

The data extraction continues with continuous and dichotomous data from each study and organized into another separate table. Some prefer it to be included in the same table (with methodological appraisal). You can do either way you find it easy and effective to work with. This step is essential for you to see the overview of the studies collected in generating best summary of findings (SoF) or table of characteristics of included studies (which will be included as a result for the syst. revi). This process again takes double extraction done independently by supervisors and me to avoid bias. I had always made sure to refer to PRISMA and Cochrane Handbook Review (second best source) as guides in constructing the table so that I can provide the report in the best systematical way.

Risk of bias and Quality evidences judgement

Risk of bias and quality evidence judgement were by far the most real and important decisions I have ever made. It requires your highly understanding, top super attention plus a huge momentum motivation to keep you throughout the process. It was never a one-way process. These studies appraisal testify your study's credibility as a whole with how you extract and analyze it. You have to first acquire a good understanding of the risk of bias concept, what is the risk of bias and etc. in order to effectively guide you in making the best judgement. The same goes for quality evidences judgement. You need to fully grasp the whole idea and concept of those study validities from imprecision, inconsistency, indirectness, and others. It took me a pretty while to digest and to get the ideas cemented in the memory folder. Anyway, fr. Good understanding really helps you and build your confidence in presenting your best efforts.


While meta-analysis is another research methodology for a report of quantitative range of outcomes across studies collected. It reports the outcome with Standard Mean Difference (SMD) or risk ratio (RR) as your principal summary measure. Basically, the meta-analysis is a methodology for you to determine the quantitative value of the outcome while systematic review equals for qualitative definition. It has been such a journey for me to understand the whole deal of this part. You have to understand the whole point, the keywords and the making of result together with the forest plot. And yes it took me plenty of time to come with it but believe me, it will be worth the sweats. You have carefully planted all those data(s) that you cherished all along into the software and the forest plot is forming. That blooming small flowers in your heart might gonna dancing all over when you see the result!

Always look up for expertise aka supervisors

Last but not least, your supervisors. Running away from them was never an option. Their views, their critics are the best which makes you going forward while in the breeze of mock tests and assignments. They keep you on toes with the study goals and making sure you are on the right track from the beginning till the end. Moreover, the process of double extraction and independent analyses which are so vital for the syst.rev. and meta-analysis really requires such a good partnership and communication between the student and supervisors. For a comprehensive and reliable overview, everyone gets to do their part when they communicate and work well together.

I was in deep admiration with how she works things out and how she sees things and branching out important info out of the wordy contexts. And yup it results in more details that I missed out whenever I discuss with her. It’s like a breath of fresh air as I started seeing the ideas with a different spectrum. Therefore, it’s very crucial to always look up for expertise; your supervisor!

Bottom line,

There is no easy way to learn.

Still, it's not that always though as it seems tho.

You just have to get in the groove with it.

With the process and progress

Climbing up with new things

New info

A bit of flailing here and there with some errors

And go back

Crafting your results

With your sweat and tears

Which will then

Find yourself gleaming

With joy

It's beautiful indeed

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